Catching Some Zzzz’s

The answer to a good nights sleep

Welcomin Sleep

Before I moved house I was having real trouble getting off to sleep & it was starting to get that I was still awake into the wee small hours & that’s not good for being productive or my state of mind. I was finding it difficult to switch off and I was waking up still feeling exhausted which had such a knock on effect to my day. I was making mistakes and generally feeling run down. So I thought I would share with you what I have found helps me most nights to nod off quicker.

  • This is such a simple one but I was so guilty of always being glued to my laptop. So I have banished all forms of technology from my bedroom – so no watching YouTube in bed, online shopping or scrolling through Twitter. I found having screen time late at night meant my brain wasn’t switching off & the light from the screen was often too bright and stopped me feeling sleepy. So having no devices in bed has meant my brain feels less stimulated and I am able to feel more restful.
  • Instead of using my laptop in bed I have got back into reading in a big way, I used to be the biggest bookworm until other areas of my life took up my more of my time so it’s been so good to get back on the reading wagon. Reading always makes me sleepy, and I love reading actual books, I do have a kindle that I use more if I am out of the house but reading books just feels so much better & it’s a great way to wind down and take time away from computer screens. If you have any book recommendations let me know in the comments.
  • Clipper Sleep Easy Infusion, I’m a complete tea addict and my friend Hayley & I always swap tea discoveries (rock & roll). I don’t have many drinks with caffeine in as I don’t enjoy coffee & a lot of my teas are caffeine free. I have found that drinking a specific night time tea really helps me feel calm and sleepy. This tea smells soothing and doesn’t taste too strong or bitter. It contains Cinnamon, Chamomile (25%), Honeybush, Lemon balm (5%), Valerian root (5%), Natural orange flavour. I think this tea tastes like Christmas & so is perfect for those cold Autumn / Winter nights & its become part of my nighttime routine to have a cup of this whilst reading my book in bed, it seems to be doing the trick.  
  • I have had so many people recommend the This Works Can’t Sleep range so to try it out I bought this little Can’t Sleep Kit from Feel Unique for less than £10 and I’m so glad I did. It comes with a mini pillow spray & a roller ball for your pulse points & I have been using them both for almost 2 weeks and what a difference they have made. It contains essential oils of Lavender, Vetivert and Wild Camomile which all smell calming and I instantly associate with a relaxing good nights sleep. I think they do a great job of helping you drift off & are very soothing. I know want to try the candle from this Can’t Sleep range. I have heard people say they use the roller ball in stressful situations like on airplanes and when they feel a little overwhelmed, I think it does have a very calming, restful scent so I am going to pack it in my carry on next time I fly
  • I’ve also been using an energy-saving bulb in my bedroom lamp so it isn’t as bright and feels more relaxing, I also like to have my fairy lights on my bed because they are also a nice light and make me feel calm and relaxed. So I have been making small changes and it has been helping. My husband likes to go for a walk an hour or so before bed so I might go along with him and see if that helps too.

Let me know if you have any tips for getting a good nights sleep. Or if you do any of the things I have mentioned.

Relaxing Wishlist

Relaxing Wishlist



I’m currently in the middle of moving house and its taking its toll on me. I’m very tired and have aching muscles and in need of a huge pamper session but sadly all my products are in boxes so I thought I’d do a wish list full of relaxing products.

Deep Sleep Pillow Spray £16.00 – I have heard so many wonderful reviews of this and I have so many things on my mind at the moment that I am not sleeping very well so a few sprays of this would be very welcome.

Weleda Lavender Relaxing Bath Milk £12.95 – My new house has a really nice big bath and I’m very much looking forward to long soaks in the bath and this bath milk sounds very relaxing and the perfect thing to sooth my aches.

Cowshed Knackered Cow Relaxing Room Candle £30.00 – I adore burning candles and this one sums me up so well. I am such a knackered cow at the moment. I will be treating myself to one of these once I’ve moved & unpacked everything.

LUSH Bunch of Carrots  £5.95 – How cute are these! I have to try them before they’re gone. I always miss the ltd edition collections at LUSH. They’re also a great calorie free Easter Treat! Ideal if you’re trying to be healthy.

Therapie Himalayan Detox Salts £37.00 – I have used these before and love them. They smell so good and make you feel all warm and relaxed. After you bath in these you will asleep within the hour. They completely knocked me out and I slept like a baby. I need to treat myself to a new tub. I have never tried anything like these before, they’re so calming.

Green & Spring Relaxing Body Lotion £22.00 – Packing and lifting boxes takes it out of you and isn’t great for your skin either so this body lotion sounds not only relaxing but it will keep me all hydrated and my skin very soft.

Jurlique Lavender Hydrating Mist £21.50 – I really like using face mists, they’re a great way to cool down, freshen up or just keep your skin hydrated and this Lavender one sounds relaxing and the perfect way to keep my skin looking fresh during the move.

Have you tried any of the products on my wish list? Or have any skincare / relaxing tips for moving house?