
August has been a stressful month for me. I’m a natural worrier and when it comes to my dad I am 100x worse. I’ve been in Scotland for the past 2 weeks (I live just outside Manchester usually) helping my dad move in to his sheltered accommodation. I know most of you know about my dad, he had a very bad Stroke 18 months ago which left him extremely physically disabled and also has memory and cognitive problems. My dad is only 55 and lives alone so he was quite young to have suffered such a debilitating Stroke.

Before his Stroke he was very active and worked as a Plastic Surgeon, he will never work again and it has been so hard to see him so changed and struggle to learn to eat and do things with only the use of his right side. I’m glad the council found him somewhere safe to live but it has taken so long and it seems like you have to fight & chase so many people to get the smallest of tasks done. It is so exhausting.

As of yesterday he is all moved in and my husband was an absolute trooper, moving his furniture and setting it all up & organising all his phone, community alarm and bits that I forgot about. My dad gets very disoriented and stressed so I tried to get everything to go as smooth as possible. I tell you I’m ready for a holiday. I want to take a moment to Thank everyone on Twitter that has sent me a message of encouragement and just said reassuring things to me, it means alot x.

My dad used to be the man who would organise everything for other people and be the one to drive the van & make the phone calls but now that job is mine and it makes me sad. He’s better than this time last year and as my husband tells me almost everyday, you just never know what advancements medicine may have and my dad might recover some of the pathways in his brain. I’m holding out hope, that’s for sure. If you don’t know how to recognise the signs of a Stroke or how to help someone who is having one then please click this link.

This month has passed by so fast, I’ve not been up to much but here are a few photos from August. I am looking forward to a calmer September.


Urban Decay Purchase / Liverpool / Ice Tea Addict / Me & John / French Bulldog PJ’s / Mid Morning Snack / Royal Rubber Duck / 10 under £5 / Breaking Bad


Moroccan Oil Samples / Packing for Scotland / Travel Cards / Scotland  / Sharpie Love / Anniversary Gift / Niece / St Andrews

August Instagrams

St Andrews / Brother & Husband / Cat / Fresh Juice / Quote / Lips / Photobooth / Glow Tonic / Kiehl’s Goody bag

If there are any spelling or grammatical errors in this post then forgive me – I have read over it but my brain is a little stressed atm and I might not have spotted them all.



5 thoughts on “Update

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad – it must be heartbreaking but you are so brave to face up to it and look after him so well. He will really appreciate it even if he doesn’t say it.

    Thinking of you at this hard time and hope things get a little easier for your and your family xxx

  2. Oh hun I had no idea, I am so sorry you have had to go through this but it sounds like you and your husband have dealt with it really well considering. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you, but I admire how brave and strong you are being. Remember he loves you no matter what.
    Sending so much love to you and your family xxx

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