See what was behind doors 17, 18 & 19 in my You Beauty Discovery Advent Calendar* I have so enjoyed opening this each morning & I have surprised myself by not opening them all at once. Its been such a treat each day.

DHC Deep Cleansing Oil

Behind door 17 was this DHC Deep Cleansing Oil*. I love this cleanser and have previously had a sample in a Glossybox. I took this Oil with me when I went to San Francisco in June and really enjoyed using it. It removes makeup easily and is very gentle. I found is to keep my skin hydrated and soft. I am very happy to have anther one. DHC is a Japanese company and their products are made using high quality ingredients, their skincare range is free from parabens and unnecessary fragrances and colourings. This sample is 30ml for £4.50

Dr Lipp Nipple Balm For Lips

Behind door 18 was the Dr. Lipp Original Nipple Balm For Lips*, finally I get to try this cult product. I have heard nothing but good reviews of this & winter is the perfect time to put it to the test. My lips are so dry. I must say my husband thought the name was hilarious! This is a multi purpose balm and can be used on burns, abrasions, cuticles, eczema and any dry skin. The good thing about this balm is that it is odourless and tasteless. This a full size product 15ml for £11.50

Model Co Mascara

Behind door 19 was this Models Co Mascara*. A girl can never have too many mascaras. This black mascara is said to lengthen and thicken your lashes leaving them looking thick and shiny. The brush is quite big & reminds me of the Soap & Glory mascara. This product is full size £10

I have never tried anything from Dr. Lipp or Models Co & look forward to using these. The DHC Cleanser is a favourite of mine and I took it with me to Scotland over Christmas.

Products that are marked with an * have either been sent to me for my consideration or I’ve received at events. I’m under no obligation to review them on my blog. However if I do, the reviews are 100% my own. 


  1. Wow what a pretty blog, great posts too, the palettes you featured on a previous one are gorgeous, I’m definitely investing in a Naked palette in 2014. Now following you on g+ and bloglovin and would love it if you could check out my blog Linzylabellevie and maybe follow back.

    Lindsay x

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